Mongolia trekking tour itinerary in Altai tavan bogd national park

Arrive in Ulaanbaatar. Meet your guide at the airport and drive to your Hotel. After few hours resting do city tour in Ulaanbaatar wher you can visit Zaisan hill, Gandan monastery and local museaum.

1st Day

Arrive in Ulgii (capital of Bayan-Ulgii province). Same day start driving to Altai Tavan Bogd national park and do camping in ‘White river valley” next to Tuvan nomadic families.

2nd Day

Early morning after breakfast your horse guide will bring you horses, so you start horse riding from that gate towards base camp of Tavan Bogd mountains. After 17km of horse riding you will reach 20km long Potanin Glacier which is surrounded with Five holly peaks of Mongolia. You will have best view to glacier and even you can walk on it. You will camp just next to that glacier!

3rd Day

After breakfast your guide will guide you to 5th highest peak of Mongolia Malchin peak which is more than 4000 meters high from the sea level. you can easily be on the top of that peak where you will have full view to Russia and completely snow capped white mountains of Kazakhstan’s and Chinese Altai.

4th Day

Start trekking back to the same gate of Altai Tavan Bogd national park. Have rest, relax and camp over there.

5th Day

Start trekking to south of Altai Tavan Bogd national park. On the way you will stop for lunch where are many Rock Arts, Petroglyphs from ancient Turcic age which is also known as biggest in Asia. At the end of the day you will reach place called “Har Salaa”. This is most beautiful spot where Tuvan Nomads spend their summer.

6th Day

Early morning start trekking to snow capped Mountain and cross it to Bear Valley where you will have lots of chances to see wild animals such as Black Bear, Red Dear, Marmots and Wolfs…Spend night over there.

7th Day

Start trekking to south along the most beautiful white river and lakes reach Akh su Valley where western Mongolian Kazakh nomads spend their summer. Visit families see how nomads make embroidaries, and milk products. you will busy with photographing, and more exited. Camping just next to families. You can also compare differences of Kazakh and Tuvan nomadic lifestyle.

8th Day

Start trekking to Aral tolgoi (head island) which is very beautiful spot with forest, green mountains, beautiful lakes and rivers. Spend night along the way.

9th Day

Start driving back to Ulgii town. On your way stop to see “Dear Stones” (rocks with face of human) or Bal-Bals. arrive in Ulgii. Have hot shower at your Hotel room. Dinner at one of local restaurant. During the dinner time you will be enjoying Kazakh traditional folk concert (live music).

10th day

Fly to Ulaanbaatar. Arrive in Ulaanbaatar and meet your guide. Same day drive to Terelj national park. Visit Turtle rock and hike in Arabal temple (meditation center). Stay at local Ger camp resort.

11th Day

Drive to Chinggiss Khan’s statue in Sonjin boldog. Visit small museum inside. Hike up to Chinggiss khan’s horse head. At the same day drive back to Ulaanbaatar. Stay at your hotel.

12th Day

Drive to Chinggiss Khan international airport and take flight to depart from Mongolia.

13th Day

Please do not hesitate to ask if you will have any questions about Mongolia or about tours in Mongolia, so we will be very happy to help!

You are able to request

All our tours are flexible according to your wishes.

Best travel date

This tour is available from the end of June and whole summer until middle of September.

Packing suggestions

  • Backpack
  • Head lamp or flashlight
  • Spare batteries for cameras
  • Medications if they needed
  • Hiking boots or shoes
  • Rainproof jacket
  • Wool jumper
  • Cotton T-shirt
  • Long sleeve shirts
  • Trousers
  • Shorts
  • Socks
  • Sandals
  • Warm hat
  • Sun hat
  • Sunglasses
  • Sun block cream